Arabic Manuscripts:
A Component of the Corpus Coranicum project, with the goal of publishing early Qurans through digital facsimiles and transcription, as the basis for a critical edition of the Quran.
Fihrist: a searchable interface to basic manuscript descriptions from some of the major manuscript collections in the UK. With the continuing contribution of manuscript records from UK libraries, Fihrist aims to become a union catalogue for manuscripts in Arabic script.
Islamic Manuscripts:
Bibliography of Arabic Paleography and Codicology, including links to pdfs:
Islamic Manuscript Studies:
curated by Evyn Kropf, at the University of Michigan:
Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative:
“The mission of the Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative (ISMI) is to make accessible information on all Islamic manuscripts in the exact sciences (astronomy, mathematics, optics, mathematical geography, music, mechanics, and related disciplines), whether in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, or other languages.”
Metadata on 2,200 persons and their manuscripts; a growing corpus of digitzed manuscripts and associated images.
Post-Classical Islamic Philosophy Database Initiative:
Armenian Manuscripts
Index of Armenian Art:
Database of Armenian Manuscript Illumination
Chinese Manuscripts:
Database of Early Chinese Manuscripts:
Ten Thousand Rooms Project:
“The Ten Thousand Rooms Project (廣廈千萬間項目) is an open–access platform currently in development that will enable collaborative research on pre-modern Chinese sources (~13 c. BCE to the 20th century).”
Coptic Manuscripts:
Coptic Manuscripts in the Vatican Library:
Fully digitized library:
Coptic Scriptorium:
Digital Edition and Translation of the Coptic-Sahidic Old Testament:
Nag Hammadi Facsimiles:
UNESCO Memory of the World: “Safeguarding the Memory of the World: UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Preservation of, Access to, Documentary Heritage in the Digital Era:”
Ethiopic/Ge’ez Manuscripts
Digitisation of the monastic archives of Marawe Krestos and Däbrä Abbay (Shire region, Tigray Province, Ethiopia)
Part of the British Library Endangered Archives Program;r=41
Hill Museum and Monastic Library, Virtual Reading Room: Resources and tools for manuscript studies: browse and search digitized manuscripts in the Reading Room;
Greek Manuscripts
Bibliography of Byzantine Paleography:
Includes a list of Greek manuscript catalogues:
British Library Greek Manuscripts:
Blog, includes a section on “the makers of Greek manuscripts”
Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts:
Database of the Manuscripts in Diels’ Catalogue (Greek Medical Manuscripts):
Early Manuscripts Electronic Library:
Various imaging projects, including the
Sinai Palimpsests Project: (approximately 160 manuscripts)
Vienna Greek Palimpsests
Sinai Diaspora Project (compare the Geniza and Dunhuang Projects)
Father Justin’s blog:
Homer Multitext Project
Includes a list of manuscripts of the Iliad, some illuminated.
Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes, Pinakes:
Leuven Database of Ancient Books:
New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room:
(Does this have facsimiles? Is there overlap with CSNTM?)
Princeton Index of Christian Art/Calendar of Saints in Byzantine Manuscripts and Frescoes
“This was intended to be a reference work on illustrated calendars of saints in Byzantine manuscripts and frescoes. This is not a reference work on Byzantine saints alone but only for those represented in illustrated church calendars, where they are assembled according to date. Lois dealt only with those portraits of saints in the calendar context. The two fullest illustrated calendars in manuscripts are the Menologion of Basil II (Vatican gr. 1613), and the Oxford Picture-book Menologion(Oxford, Bodl. gr. th. fol. 1)-both of which are included in this work (see Abbreviations Section for citations). The entries are arranged according to feast days in the Constantinopolitan calendar, and each entry consists of a brief identification of the saint, links to standard reference tools, and concise descriptions of calendar illuminations and frescoes for that feast.”
Pyle: A Gateway to Greek Manuscripts
Includes a list of institutions with digitzed Greek manuscripts accessible on the web:
Searchable metadata on dated Greek miniscule manuscripts, based on Kirsopp Lake and Silva Lake, Dated Greek Miniscule Manuscripts to the Year 1200 (AAS, 1934-1939), 12 vols, also available as a pdf.
Hebrew/Aramaic Manuscripts:
British Library Hebrew Manuscripts:
A blog
The Friedberg Jewish Manuscript Society:
The Friedberg Genizah Project (FGP): Digitization of the 200,000 Jewish texts from the Cairo Geniza (the Ben-Ezra synagogue), dating from 11th-19th centuries, with extensive metadata and search capabilities.
Leon Levi Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library:
Associated with Israel Antiquities Authority
Samaritan Repository:
SfarData: The Codicological Data-Base of the Hebrew Paleography Project, The Israel Academy of Sciences:
Iranian Manuscripts:
The Avestan Digital Archive: “seeks to be a digital archive containing all Avestan manuscripts spread all over the world.”
British Library Persian Manuscripts: Ongoing digitization project of the almost 11,000 Persian manuscripts in the British Museum and India Office Library.
Cambridge Shahnama Project: “a comprehensive collection of manuscripts of the Shahnama, the Persian epic ‘Book of Kings’, completed by the poet Firdausi in AD 1010, together with a display of the miniature paintings in each one. There are currently about 1500 manuscripts and single pages recorded, 18,000 records of paintings, and 12,000 images from all over the world, now accessible with a few clicks of a mouse. “
Digital Turfan Archive:
An analytical survey of Persian works on Indian learned traditions.
Korean Manuscripts:
Tripitaka Koreana Knowledgebase:
Full digitization of the Buddhist canon as preserved on woodblocks carved in the 13th century and kept at Haeinsa monastery.
A collection of Buddhist texts composed in Korea
Latin Manuscripts
Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina manuscripta (BHLms):
“Entering the Latin name of a saint, one has access to his “dossier” (the various texts relating to him, as listed in BHL). A specific text can also be found by entering its BHL number. A list of all the manuscripts containing that text is then provided. The manuscripts can be ordered either in the alphabetical order of the places of conservation, or in chronological order.”
International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online: “IDP is a ground-breaking international collaboration to make information and images of all manuscripts, paintings, textiles and artefacts from Dunhuang and archaeological sites of the Eastern Silk Road freely available on the Internet and to encourage their use through educational and research programmes.”
Digital Turfan Archive:
South Asian Manuscripts:
Gāndhārī Language and Literature:
“ is the home of three scholarly publications by Stefan Baums and Andrew Glass (the Dictionary of Gāndhārī, Bibliography of Gāndhārī Studies and Catalog of Gāndhārī Texts) and a comprehensive collection of Gāndhārī source texts.”
Eine elektronische Indische Paläographie
JAINpedia Manuscripts:
A collection of digitized Jain manuscripts, some early.
Nepalese-German Manuscript Cataloguing Project:
Sanskrit Library:
“The Sanskrit Library is a digital library dedicated to facilitating education and research in Sanskrit by providing access to digitized primary texts in Sanskrit and computerized research and study tools to analyze and maximize the utility of digitized Sanskrit text.” Includes an extensive catalog of Sanskrit manuscripts in various international collections, including many images, which are sometimes aligned with the electronic text.
Sanskrit Manuscript Project, Cambridge: “The intellectual and religious traditions of South Asia as seen through the Sanskrit Manuscript collections of the University Library, Cambridge”
Coordinated with the ongoing digitization of the library’s Sanskrit manuscript collections:
Syriac Manuscripts:
Hill Museum and Monastic Library, Virtual Reading Room: Resources and tools for manuscript studies: browse and search digitized manuscripts in the Reading Room; lessons on codicology and paleography, including sample scripts and transcriptions for Latin and Syriac; a lexicon for manuscript studies; and a reference bibliography, with links to digitized books when available.
Currently 975 records for Syriac manuscripts.
Digital Library of Northern Thai Manuscripts:
Tibetan Manuscripts:
Early Tibet: Personal blog of Sam van Schalke, British Library, International Dunhuang Project
Resources for Kanjur & Tanjur Studies:
Tibetan-Mongolian Rare Books & Manuscripts Project: “The Tibetan-Mongolian Rare Books and Manuscripts (TMRBM) project aims to document, consolidate, catalogue and make accessible the rare Tibetan and Mongolian books in the University Library, Cambridge, the Bodleian Library, Oxford and the British Library in London, with focus on the collection acquired during the Younghusband Mission to Tibet in 1903–4.”
Materials Science:
Columbia University, Ancient Ink Laboratory:
Archive of Papers and Watermarks in Greek Manuscripts: